Environmental platform technologies

A platform for all industrial companies, in particular SME, and municipal ones producer of inorganic or organic industrial waste.

Currently there are no economic and sustainable systems for the disposal of many industrial waste at home. Above all, if it is a small or medium-sized enterprise, the destination is to the landfill or to centralized waste treatment systems. 

This can lead to dispersion and poor control of the disposal chain, with responsibility, including penalties, of the producer.

The environmental platform based in Castel Romano (Italy) provides evidence of the technological innovation potential of RINA. Significant pilot-scale models of technologies for processing organic and inorganic industrial waste are shown. It offers an innovative, sustainable and economic solution to the problem of disposing of industrial solid and liquid waste and for minimizing / treating gaseous emissions.

The technologies shown in the platform, but in general the technologies developed by us over the last 25 years serve to follow up the waste disposal chain, operating and controlling the final destiny of its waste at home with extreme responsibility. Often the treatment of waste gives rise to a recyclable material. We offer the possibility of identifying the re-use in internal or external processes to the waste producing company.

Legal Framework

The legislation on the subject Starting from 29 April 2006, date of entry into force of the Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152 (containing "Environmental regulations") the national waste regulation has undergone a profound transformation: the new provision, issued in implementation of the law of 15 December 2004 n. 308 (containing "Delegation to the Government for the reorganization, coordination and integration of environmental legislation"), has in fact reformulated the entire internal legislation on the environment, and sanctioned the express repeal of Legislative Decree 22 / 1997.

The new rules on waste management are contained, in particular, in "Part Four" of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152, composed of 89 articles (from 177 to 266) and 9 annexes.

The waste management hierarchy is governed, in particular, in articles 179 to 182, where coherently with the line already defined by the "Ronchi" decree, actions aimed at preventing and reducing the production of waste are established as priority measures followed by recovery activities and, as a last resort, disposal.

Article 182 of Legislative Decree 152/06 clarifies that the disposal of waste is to be considered as a residual solution, in case there are no technically valid or economically sustainable alternatives that allow it to be recovered. 


We offer advice and consulting for the sustainable and economic disposal of solid liquid and gaseous waste (off-gas treatment and minimization). We also have extensive collaboration with innovative technology suppliers, so we can offer, together with our 250+ professionals and our partners, a turnkey supply of the solution. 

We also make use of chemical, physical and chemical-physical analysis laboratories. It is therefore possible to find, in a single context, competences that collaborate symbiotically for the innovative and sustainable solution of even very complex environmental problems.


Do I need permission to install my treatment plant?
In some plants, for example mobile or with heat treatment temperatures, below 180 ° C, installed downstream of their production system, no authorizations are required.
In other cases, it is necessary to follow an authorization path, which goes from a simple non-substantial modification to complex paths. However, we provide assistance to the entire authorization process

Maria Ilaria Pistelli, Filippo Cirilli

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