Harassment in the Workplace | Marine training course

Learn how a company can prevent harassment in workplaces

How is it possible to determine, analyse a hostile environment and prevent harassment in workplaces?

This course aims to create awareness, generate greater understanding of harassment in the workplace, and promote a culture of zero-tolerance to remove any additional distress of the employees. 

Our team remains available to provide you with any further information you may need. Contact us by writing to global.marinetraining@rina.org.

Online course

Duration: 1 day

Price: EUR 300 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Physical classroom at Greece's facilities

Duration: 1 day

Price: EUR 330 (plus VAT, if applicable)

This one-day course aims to determine, analyse a hostile environment and prevent harassment in workplaces. The course includes both theory and case studies that will provide the tools to the participants to recognize the characteristics of different types of hostile behaviours, handle a harassment and identify & describe relevant steps to prevent such cases in a workplace.
This course will explore the options a Company has for preventing workplace harassment. Creating awareness, generating greater understanding of harassment in the workplace, and promoting a culture of zero-tolerance can remove any additional distress of the employees and they can keep all their focus in their performance and running smoothly the work.

- Discrimination and other problems in a workplace

- Workplace harassment

- Types of harassment

- How to recognize the characteristics of a hostile environment

- Impacts of harassment 

- How to handle harassment/ hostile environment

- Employee’s and Company’s responsibilities / Legal frame

- How to develop a zero-tolerance policy

- Determination of preventive measures

- Case studies


- Personnel working in office or ashore in the Maritime Industry. 

- Managers & executives

- Employees

RINA Attendance Certificate.