RINA people elected as chairs of Hydrogen Europe Working Groups and Technical Committees - RINA.org

RINA people elected as chairs of Hydrogen Europe Working Groups and Technical Committees

25 Sep 2024

Antonio Manna and Ginevra Rossetti to lead key initiatives for Hydrogen Europe

RINA hydrogen powered trains

We are proud to announce that two of our people have been elected to important positions within Hydrogen Europe. Antonio Manna has been appointed as the Chair of the Skills Working Group, while Ginevra Rossetti will lead the RM 14 Rail Technical Committee and Roadmap. 

Skills Working Group

This group is dedicated to promoting and addressing the challenges of upskilling and reskilling in response to the rapid deployment of the hydrogen ecosystem as outlined by the EU Hydrogen Strategy, as well as the strategies of member states and regions. Initially, the group will focus on the following key topics: 

- Understanding the trends and needs for hydrogen-related skills 

- Showcasing projects and best practices in skills, training, and education 

- Identifying relevant funding opportunities 

- Facilitating matchmaking to build consortia and find new project contributors 

- Monitoring and contributing to employment and skills policies related to hydrogen and green skills at the EU level 

- Supporting initiatives at both EU and national levels that promote skills, education, and training across the hydrogen value chain (e.g., Pact for Skills, Sectoral Skills Alliances) 

RM 14 Rail Technical Committee and Roadmap 

This group is dedicated to supporting the rollout of FCH (fuel cell vehicles) regional passenger trains on European rail networks, as well as the elaboration of case studies in local territory or region, aiming to reach fully commercial volumes and therefore reducing prices.  

The group's 2030 vision is for hydrogen to be recognised as the leading option for trains on non-electrified routes, with 1 in 5 new trains being hydrogen powered. 

We congratulate Antonio and Ginevra on their new roles and look forward to their contributions to Hydrogen Europe.  

Andrea Bombardi