The Polar Code & Arctic Routes Ships | Marine training course

A course to inform on the Polar Code requirements, especially in the design, construction and equipment of ships

The Polar Code Maritime Training course

The importance of the Polar Code which entered into force on 1 January 2017 is evidenced by the wide range of requirements brought forward for ships operating in the inhospitable waters surrounding the two poles.

The course informs on these new requirements in the design, construction, and equipment of ships as well as in other matters relevant to the operation, search and rescue and environmental protection.

Important amendments to SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW due to the Polar Code are being discussed.

Participants will be also informed how to assess the ship and establish procedures and operational limitations which will determine the content of the Polar Waters Operational Manual (PWOM) that is required to be available onboard.

Online course

Duration: 1 day 

Price: EUR 300 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Physical classroom at Greece's facilities

Duration: 1 day

Price: EUR 330 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Upon completion of the course the participant will be able to understand and be updated with the latest Polar Code Safety and Environmental requirements and to have an overview of the main operational and technical issues.


- Navigation in Arctic Waters and Artic Routes

- Polar Code Geographic Application

- The Polar Code: Part I & Part II

- Polar Ship Certificates and Certification Process

- Transitional Requirements

- Safety Issues: Design & Constructions/Operational & Manning

- Environmental Issues: Oil - Sewage - Garbage - Biofouling and Ballast Water

- ICE Class Notation: IACS - IMO - National Administration

- Risk Index Outcome (RIO)ƒRisk Index Values (RIV)ƒOperational Assessment and Operation Limitation

- Watertightness - Machinery Installation - Equipment and LSA

- East Siberian Sea: Ice RegimeƒWeather condition and forecast

- Training Requirements.

Any stakeholders that have to be able to understand and assess the relevant rules compliance and to evaluate the ship capability to safely sail in arctic routes according the code and relevant rules.

RINA Attendance Certificate

RINA Global Marine Training Centre Marine

5, Aitolikou Street and Kastoros
3rd Floor

+30 210 4292147