Hotel services

Activities concerning health and hygiene on board and ashore

The RINA Hotel services have been designed to support owners and management companies in dealing with safety issues: it mainly consist of activities concerning health and hygiene on board and ashore (offices/warehouses) for the verification of the HSE standards.

A simple remark concerning a hygienic problem or the quality of food can result in bad publicity and loss of brand reputation. This is one of the most important aspects for the passenger ship market, especially for RO-RO Pax ships.

The services are based on laboratory activities for microbiological and chemical analysis, as well as activities for the qualification and monitoring of the food chain.


In-lab testing services for:

Legionella monitoring: legionella is a bacterium that can grow in air-conditioning plants and in water systems, and can cause many diseases. RINA can help ship operators during the entire management process for dealing with this bacterium, starting with the identification of the specific risk, following the preparation and implementation of monitoring plans in air and water systems and finally providing support in sampling and testing activities.

Food chain: our experts can furtherly assist ship owners and operators in the implementation and auditing of HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point), manual, including procedures and monitoring plans for food safety in accordance with EU Regulation no. 852/2004, as well as dedicated risk assessments and purchasing contracts. We also offer training on HACCP and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards.


RINA counts with many accreditations in this field, that combined with our expertise can deliver a top-of-the-class service:

Michele Landro Head of North America Passenger Ships Business Development

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