Risk associated with failures and casualties

Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis

Risk associated with failures and casualtiesAll human activities are associated with a certain degree of risk, and we can only assess and manage it. Based on its experience as market leader for the ro-ro ship segment, RINA knows the risks in this marine sector very well: health and safety of crew and passengers, security, environment, ship as assets, business continuity and company reputation, amongst other.

Machinery failure and casualties (such as fire or flooding) affecting a ship’s spaces are events that may cause significant consequences and depending on the likelihood of their occurrence can result in unacceptable risk.

This has led us to create a service for the assessment of potential risks associated with ro-ro ships.


Single Failure Analysis: the scope of the Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) analysis is to assess the risk associated with a single failure of particular equipment or systems, and to identify the most appropriate measures to implement. The analysis evaluates the ship’s system availability in case of any single failure.

Loss of one space: several tragic events have highlighted the importance of assessing the consequences of the loss of one of the ship’s internal spaces and, obviously, of all systems located inside. The goal is to assess the risk and to suggest the best measures to be implemented for its reduction considering the likelihood of the loss due to fire or flooding, in consideration of its fire load and position (deck level), and the consequences on personnel, environment, and company reputation.

Risk Mitigation: the minimum standards to comply with are prescribed by international conventions (SOLAS, MARPOL) and in classification and flag rules. At the discretion of the ship-owner/operator, additional measures can be implemented in order to further increase prevention of failures and protection against their consequences. The additional class notation Risk Mitigation is issued to reward those ships for which extra measures have been adopted to achieve risk reduction in specific matters such as protection from fire and flooding, propulsion and safety systems.

Our experts answer to the most frequently questions

We assist customers by providing an integrated service portfolio, including:

- Hazard Identification (HAZID) studies
- Reliability, Availability & Maintenance management (RAM) studies
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- Health & Safety studies
- Safety cases for alternative design
- Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
- Fire risk analysis
- Escape, evacuation and rescue studies
- Incident investigation.

Michele Landro Head of North America Passenger Ships Business Development

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